by Rachel Bavis | Sep 27, 2019 | Healing the Healer, self-care, Wonder Blog
Hello Wonder Friends! In one of our recent workshops, someone asked, “Do you really do these self-care practices you teach?” We answered truthfully, saying, “We really try.” As Yoda said, “Do or do not. There is no try.” Perhaps...
by Rachel Bavis | May 12, 2019 | Healing the Healer, Wonder Blog
Hello Wonder Friends! In the last six weeks, we harnessed the wisdom of the turtle as we honored health, resilience, groundedness, and a slow and steady pace. We needed to schedule in our self-care as we traveled to more than ten different cities this month to teach...
by Rachel Bavis | Feb 28, 2019 | Healing the Healer, self-care, Wonder Blog
Hello Wonder Friends! I talk a lot about self-care and work/life balance in my Healing the Healer trainings. For this blog, I asked my wonderful husband and training partner, Rocky, to share his perspective on this topic. Take it away Rocky. (And thanks!) We all want...
by Rachel Bavis | Jun 3, 2017 | Create a Story, Healing the Healer, Rachel Blog, Uncategorized, Wonder Blog
Hello Wonder-Friends: Perhaps you’ve been wondering where I’ve been? It’s been a while and it feels so wonderful to be writing you on the weekend Wonder Woman is officially opening. I started this Wonder Blog expressing my love for all things Wonder Woman and the love...
by rachelbavis | Jan 22, 2016 | Doodle Extravaganza!, Facebook Challenge
“Why doodling?” you may ask. I’ll give you four reasons. After you’ve tried it you’ll likely find there are many, many more. First, the word doodle. It’s fantabulous and fun. In this, my Year of Wonder & Whimsy, I wanted to start out with practices I...